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Get to Know the New Generation
As many Baby Boomers have begun to retire, the impact of their generation is still going strong. Better known as Generation Y or Millennials, the children of baby boomers have become a force to be reckoned with. They are highly educated, tech-savvy, and extremely large in number. With billions in buying power, this influential group requires a change in strategy if companies want any piece of their very large pie.

While there are no exact dates for where Generation Y begins, typically it includes people born from the late 1970's to the mid-1990's. Now in their 20's and 30's, Millennials have taken over the workforce and are moving into decision-maker positions. In order to reach this new group of buyers, old sales tactics will no longer work. You must understand what makes them tick and communicate in modern ways. Here are some things to keep in mind when trying to win business from this generation.

Build a brand WITH them, not FOR them. One of the most important things to know about Generation Y is that they like to give their opinion. They want to have a say in both how your products are developed and how they are distributed. The best way to win them over is to let them be involved. Ask for their help and they will reward you with loyalty.

Be where they are. Generation Y is the first generation to resist both reading and television. While nothing may replace the popularity of outrageously expensive but highly anticipated Super Bowl commercials, you are not going to make an impact with this group through traditional print media and television ads. Instead you need to meet them on their home turf. This may require you to think outside the box and take on new ventures like building a skateboard park, placing ads in computer/video games or using street teams pass out samples and talk up your product.

Keep it short. Information is now available at the speed of light, and that's what Millennials expect. You are never going to hold their attention with a long sales pitch or a flowery speech. Instead give them bite size bits of information. Stick to the facts with short concise statements.

Be transparent. This is a group that embraces all the different types of technology available to them. In less time than it takes to put together a sales pitch, Millennials have already Googled both you and your business, browsed your website, read a Wiki page and consulted various consumer reviews. Making information readily available to them is a great way to earn their trust and respect.

Join the conversation. Did I mention that this generation is tech-savvy and likes to talk? They take full advantage of the ability to communicate with each other through a variety of different channels. There is nothing you can do to stop them from talking, so make sure you at least participate. Facilitate an outlet for them to have these discussions and take an active role in the conversation. It's is a great way to begin managing your online reputation.

Speak their language. The popularity of texting and Twitter has given birth to a whole new language. Using acronyms like BRB, LMAO and CUL8R is a standard amongst Millennials. This type of shorthand allows them to exchange information with minimal characters and at rapid speeds. If this seems cryptic to you, start familiarizing yourself with the most popular abbreviations. If you don't, you may never know what they are saying.

Repeat after me - FREE. Generation Y loves things they get for free. In many circumstances they actually expect it. Free information, free giveaways and especially free Wi-Fi. Very few things please this generation more than free and readily available Wi-Fi. They will be much more likely to open their wallets once you've given away something they find valuable.

Don't use scare tactics. Millennials have no fear. They grew up hearing things like "Don't smoke or you'll die", "Don't drink or you'll die", "Wear your seatbelt or you'll die." Given the extremely large number of them still alive today, they will be a very hard sell with these types of messages.

Forget the past. In previous years, touting experience and displaying past success was an effective way to gain trust. This is no longer the case. Millennials don't care about you or your past. If the current recession has taught them anything, it's that things can change quickly. They want to know what they get right now and what you will do for their future. So tell them!

If you want to sell to Generation Y, new strategies are necessary. Forget being annoyed by their incessant texting, their unwillingness to be patient and their belief that flip-flops are appropriate for all occasions. Complaining will fall on deaf ears. The way they live is the root of how they make decisions, and they are holding the dollars. Instead keep in mind that Millennials don't expect older generations to understand everything about their lifestyle or the way they communicate. What they do want is simply respect. The good news is they are willing to communicate through a number of different channels. You just have to be willing to talk back.

$uccessful $eedlings:
Give Millennials what they want - free Wi-Fi! Customized Wi-Fi finders are the perfect giveaway for Generation Y. They will ensure that your information is always close at hand and top of mind.
No longer kept in safes and safe deposit boxes, the most information is often kept on USB drives. Offer people comfort and security with flash drives that require fingerprint verification to open files.
Stay with Millennials everywhere they go, with a Frequent Flyer kit. Perfect for travel, this kit has it all - a 2.5ft retractable USB cable, optical mouse, USB hub and wireless presenter with a built-in USB drive.